Geo sketchpad
Geo sketchpad


Some of the tools include a construct function, which allows the user to create objects in relation to selected objects. The Geometer's Sketchpad can measure lengths of segments, measures of angles, area, perimeter, etc. The program allows the determination of the midpoints and midsegments of objects.

geo sketchpad

The program allows the creation of numerous objects which can be measured, and potentially used to solve hard math problems. The program allows "cheat" transformations to create figures impossible to construct under the compass and straightedge rules (such as the regular nonagon). If a figure (such as the pentadecagon) can be constructed with the compass and straightedge method, it can also be constructed in the program. Its accurate drawings of geometric figures make it a useful tool for illustrating mathematical articles for publication. Thus it is a natural tool for making or testing conjectures about geometric figures. It can manipulate constructed objects "dynamically" by stretching or dragging while maintaining all constraints of the construction so that a seemingly infinite number of cases of a constructed figure can be viewed. It is far more than a construction or transformation tool, however. It also can perform transformations (translations, rotations, reflections, dilations) of geometric figures drawn or constructed on screen. The Geometer's Sketchpad includes the traditional Euclidean tools of classical geometric constructions.


The Sketchpad Repository contains over 200 videos, with Sketchpad and Web Sketchpad tutorials as well as an archive of Sketchpad webinars that were offered by Key Curriculum Press.


A license-free Windows version of the software is also available.

geo sketchpad


Nonetheless, a license-free 64-bit version of Mac Sketchpad that is compatible with the latest Apple silicon chips is available. In June 2019, McGraw-Hill announced that it would no longer sell new licenses.


There was also a version developed for the TI-89 and TI-92 series of Calculators. It also runs on Linux under Wine with a few bugs. Present versions run Microsoft Windows and MacOS Ventura.

geo sketchpad

Nicholas Jackiw, a student at the time, was the original designer and programmer of the software, and inventor of its trademarked " Dynamic Geometry" approach he later moved to Key Curriculum Press, KCP Technologies, and McGraw-Hill Education to continue ongoing design and implementation of the software over multiple major releases and hardware platforms. It was created as part of the NSF-funded Visual Geometry Project led by Eugene Klotz and Doris Schattschneider from 1986 to 1991 at Swarthmore College. We will need this construction in later tutorials.The Geometer's Sketchpad is a commercial interactive geometry software program for exploring Euclidean geometry, algebra, calculus, and other areas of mathematics. What do you observe? Make a conjecture about your observation.ġ2.) Click File>Save, and type centroid as the file name construction. A median of a triangle is a segment connecting the vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.ġ1.) Use the Selection Arrow tool and move the vertices and segments of the triangle. These segments are the median of the triangle. Now try the other two selection arrows and observe what happens.ħ.) To construct the midpoint, click segment AB (be sure that no point is selected), click the Construct menu from the Menu bar, and then click Midpoint.Ĩ.) Now, to construct the midpoints of BC and AC, select both segments (again with no point selected), click the Construct menu, and then click Midpoints.ĩ.) Now, to label the midpoints, select the text Text tool and then click the midpoints of AB, BC, and AC in that order.ġ0.) Next, select the Segment tool, and then construct AE, BF and CD. To drag the whole object, drag the across the entire construction to highlight all the objects, and then drag one of the objects. 5.) With the Segment tool still selected, construct segments BC and AC.Ħ.) To familiarize yourself with how dragging works in GSP, click the Selection tool (the Translate arrow) and drag the vertices, segments, and labels of the triangle.

Geo sketchpad